Buy A Local RV And Purchase Canadian

If you are going to purchase an RV, our suggestion is to buy Canadian. We believe the highest priority is the promotion of the RV industry and the support of our great Canadian RV dealers. In support of our many members it is crucial, in our opinion, that all Canadian RV owners embrace RVing whole-heartedly and that customer service and satisfaction meets or exceeds their expectations at each and every level!
After all, if ones introduction to RVing happens to be a bad experience at a dealership then the further maintenance and care of that RV becomes a point of frustration and anxiety.
This is why RV Hotline Canada and the Canadian Recreation Vehicle Dealers Association (RVDA), encourages Canadians to purchase their RVs from local dealerships. Here are five (5) reasons why the “Buy Local” policy should be strongly considered before committing to your next purchase:
- 1. Each Canadian dealership is independently owned and therefore priority service and scheduling is at their discretion – and usually if you service your RV at the dealership you purchased from, you get priority care and attention.
- 2. Purchasing locally allows for better customer/dealer relations, enhancing the RV experience through priority assistance with servicing, parts and accessories, tips and local regulations for your province and a relationship approaching true familiarity. There is no other industry like the RV industry for being made to feel like a 'member of the family'.
- 3. When importing Canadians must meet many requirements to purchase RVs manufactured in the United States or elsewhere. These requirements may involve additional inspections, certifications, taxes, duties and fees, which your local Canadian dealer is well versed in meeting. When ‘buying local’ you are in good hands when it comes to navigating all the hidden 'unknowns'.
- 4. Warranty repairs and adjustments scheduled through your local dealership provides far greater flexibility and convenience to you, rather than scheduling those same repairs and adjustments at a large American dealer a thousand miles away!
- 5. Don’t forget the simple satisfaction of spending your hard-earned money supporting local businesses who, in turn, do their best to support their local communities. The harder we focus our efforts internally the better off our quality of life becomes… and only you know how much your quality of life can use improvement!
In a joint effort with the RVDA of Canada, we have designed and developed the RVDA's "Buy Local" site.